

This Viral Footage Of The Icelandic Fog Waterfall is One of the Eeriest Things You’ll Ever See

Is this a future set for Game of Thrones?

Iceland: It really is the gift that keeps on giving. Earlier this year, we pointed out 28 reasons why you should make it your next adventure. And then just a month later, we found ten more reasons.

And, as if that’s not enough, it also means we get to make ‘mom’ jokes, based on the advertising slogan of a popular british frozen food supermarket. Brilliant.

But, just when you think we’ve milked Iceland for all it’s worth (just like your m… no, we’re above that), it goes and produces even more magic. This stunning fog waterfall exists in Látrajarg, the most Westerly point of Iceland.

Photo: YouTube

A group of hikers, who presumably thought they’d stumbled on to the Game Of Thrones set, were exploring the area, and caught the bizarre phenomenon on camera. It’s created during warm summer months when heat in the air meets cooler temperatures near the ground.

This creates the thick, ghostly fog you see in the video. Wind then blows it off the cliffs and, because of the density of the moisture molecules that make it up,  it drops down to the sea below, just like water would.

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