The press-up is a reasonably straightforward move, but get it wrong and, at best, it’ll be ineffectual; at worst you, could do yourself a mischief that has you hobbling off to Boots for painkillers.
Even if you think you’ve been doing them right, it’s always worth checking that your ‘form’ is what it should be. Can’t do any harm, and it may save your life. Well, it may save you from a sore shoulder, anyway. With a few tips and hints on how to do a press-up, you’ll be doing them like a pro in no time.
- Press-ups use your triceps, shoulders, back and chest so if done correctly it can give you a full upper body workout
- Make sure your hands are in perfect alignment with your chest
- Keep your abs tight, squeezing your abdominal muscles
- Stay parallel to the ground and avoid sticking your bum too high in the air
But it’s much better to see someone pretty demonstrating good practice so here’s perky Anna Renderer from POPSUGAR with an invaluable two-minute guide to how to do a press-up.
How to Do a Push-Up Correctly by POPSUGAR Fitness
And don’t forget, learning how to do a press-up correctly can also be used to slyly style-out a catastrophic fail.