Got a spare $15,000 burning a hole in your pocket? Fancy something for the mantlepiece? Then how about this gold-plated skateboard?

Actually sorry, it’s not a skateboard, it is (according to the dudes who made it) a “piece of jewellery”. But it is apparently fully functional, although as they explain in this video, they’d only let you try to skate it after you’ve bought it.
The project was cooked up by Matt Willett from the New York brand Shut Skateboards and his dad Peter. Peter started working at a company that gold-plated components for NASA and the two of them apparently started talking about putting gold on “unconventional” surfaces.

The process of making it was a fairly complex one, involving coating it in several layers before the gold went on. But the end result does look pretty cool – in a kind of ridiculously bling way.
As to whether there’s anyone rich enough and crazy enough to want to buy this? Well, I guess they’ll have to see.
Though I bet L’il Wayne (who apparently loves his skating) might be persuaded. After all, he did commission this monstrosity…
Incidentally, if you or anyone you know are interested for real, you can buy the board from this site.
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