Have you ever thought about quitting your shitty job and going on an adventure around the world? Of course you have. Who hasn’t? And every digital bollocking the boss gives you via email, or weird chat you have with Creepy Chris from accounts when you get a coffee just adds to the urge to pack up and fuck off. Sounds familiar, right?
“Yes, Mpora, you slack-jawed goons. We’d ruddy love it, but we can’t just quit our job and float around the planet, constantly posting #wanderlust pictures on Instagram, can we?” we hear you scream.
Bouldering Walls: What Bouldering Gear Do I Need To Start Climbing?
What if we told you that you could do it for a job. Outdoor clothing folks Columbia are after a pair of Directors Of Toughness, and if getting out there, pushing yourself to find adventure, and living life to the full sound like your cup of tea – as opposed to sitting in the office, watching the clock until your next scheduled toilet break comes along – then maybe this is for you.