Ok. Question. If you had to be impaled by a tree, anywhere on your body, where’s the place you’d least like to be impaled? Now, we know that’s a pretty weird question. Most of us, if we could choose, would like to never be impaled by any tree…ever. But putting that to one side, and throwing out the hypothetical scenario where you have to choose somewhere to be impaled by a tree, we’d hazard a guess and say that the groin region is somewhere that nobody in their right mind would like see to on the receiving end of a pointy tree limb.
Why are we talking about this? Why are we making you consider this genuinely horrible idea? Because, and we can’t believe we’re writing these words, news has emerged of a backcountry skier getting their downstairs region pierced by a tree in Montana. Just typing that sentence has made us feel a bit dizzy.