Skiing indoors is still one of those things that, even after you’ve done it several times, can still feel a little strange. Skiing?! Indoors?! Surely not. And then, sure enough, you go and give it another go and your brain comes round to the idea of it all over again. Skiing? Indoors? Why of course! It’s a brilliant idea. Yes, of course, going up and down the exact same slope over and over again can get a little tiresome but I think we can all agree that it’s still a lot better than not being able to ski at all.
Cheap Skiing | 5 Of The Best Budget Resorts In Europe
5 Reasons Why London Needs An Indoor Snow Centre
One of the biggest reasons why so many people are drawn to the UK’s indoor snow centres, and their guarantee of real snow all-year round, is the plain and simple truth that they offer skiers and snowboarders the chance to touch base with proper snow.
Skiing In Scotland: A Guide To Scottish Ski Resorts
Whether you want to practice form and technique, learn entirely from scratch, or just need to build up your confidence again; indoor snow centres are absolutely ideal for a multitude of purposes because the slopes feel like ski slopes are meant to.
Skiing In The UK: 8 Dry Slopes In England And Wales
10 Of The Best Skis For Powder
That’s not to bad mouth dry slopes. There’s a lot to be said for dry slopes in the UK, but here in this article we’re going to focus primarily on indoor snow centres. There’s five of them spread across the length of England, and one in Scotland. See now which one is closest to you (if you don’t already know) and, once that’s done, why not head on down for a session on the slopes. Skiing?! Indoors?! You better believe it.