Tommie Woodward, a 28-year old Texan man, has been attacked and killed after ignoring an alligator warning in Orange County (Texas).
After one bystander warned him about the alligator in the water, eyewitnesses have stated that Woodward said, “fuck that alligator” before jumping in.

“I asked him please do not go swimming, there’s a bigger alligator out here, just please stay out of the water,” an employee of Burkhart’s Marina in Orange, Texas told KFDM.
The employee went on to say that: “The next thing I know, I don’t even know how long it was, I saw his body floating face down and then he’s up there for a couple seconds and then he gets dragged back down and pulled off.”
According to local police, employees at the marina put up a sign forbidding swimming after a “pretty damn big” 11-foot alligator was recently sighted in the area.