The much anticipated sequel to 61-year old Canadian boxer fights off black bear while walking his dog has finally arrived and, quite frankly, it’s better than anything we could have come up with ourselves. Read these words carefully, and revel in their magnificence: a 63-year old fisherman from Japan has just fought off a bear with his black belt karate skills. Yeah, the internet really doesn’t get any better than that. That’s internet perfection, right there.
Atsushi Aoki was fishing at a mountain creek, northwest of Tokyo, when he was attacked by an adult sized Asian black bear. The bear knocked him down initially, and bit his leg, but it wasn’t long before Aoki began the fightback. And what a fightback it was. Aoki managed to get back on his feet and assume the classic karate fighting stance with one fist in front of the other, before unleashing a volley of jabs to the bear’s face and eyes. The bear, that was six foot tall compared to Aoki’s five and a half, couldn’t stand up to the fisherman’s attacks and was last seen scurrying back off into the woods.