First things first. We’re not prudish. Yes, we’re British and so were inevitably born with some prudishness inbuilt but, by and large, we like to think we’re pretty chill about the whole nudity thing. If people want to be naked, we say: “Yeah, that’s cool. To hell with society’s rules. Be naked. Be liberated. Be wild and free.”
And then, earlier this week, we saw a photo of an owl without its feathers (number one on this list, FYI) and quite frankly the image was so haunting that it’s made us rethink some things when it comes to nudity. Mainly: owls should never ever be photographed without their feathers. Feathers are an owl’s clothes, and without their clothes owls just look like 50 shades of f*cked up; a flying demon from the worst nightmare you’ve ever had.
No matter how hard we tried, we just couldn’t shake the featherless owl from our mind’s eye. Driven by morbid curiosity and a desperation to think about something other than a featherless owl for a bit, we started researching what different animals look like without their fur, hair, feathers etc. Here’s what we discovered.
1) Owl
You already know about this owl, and how much it messed us up.

2) Spectacled Bear
Vets were left baffled in 2009 when spectacled bears at a zoo in Leipzig started losing all their fur. Experts believed it could be down to a genetic defect. Pictured here is a bear called Dolores.