Not many people can claim to have their adventure dreams funded for them by a pug and a cat. But for British traveller Sebastian Smetham and Norwegian Finn Paus, that farfetched first sentence is an actual reality.
Seb and Finn recently hiked 1500km across Spain with Luigi the cat and Bandito the pug right beside them, camping as they went, living the nomad life and taking in some of the most beautiful scenery the Mediterranean has to offer. And they have the cat and the pug to thank for footing the bill. Well, that and their social media skills.
The two friends run the adorable, imaginatively named Pug and Cat Instagram account. They have well over 100,000 followers online and have gone viral on numerous occasions thanks to the cute pictures and hilarious videos they post out to their followers.
“Pug isn’t an early riser so the mornings were challenging for him,” Seb joked. “We found it easier to carry him for the first part of the day! Some of our most memorable moments from the walk were just sat in the tent together, looking over mountains and beautiful scenery, and thinking are we really doing this? With our Pug and Cat from home?