Toilets. A fundamental part of our existence. We won’t go into the details of why we use them. You know why we use them. Maybe you used one this morning. Maybe you’re about to use one right now, or are reading this article while sitting on one. Maybe reading the word ‘toilets’ has reminded you that you’ve had your legs crossed for the last 45 minutes and really need to pay a visit to one. Toilets.
But wait. Wait one second. Have you ever spent a considerable portion of your time watching videos of animals emerging from toilets? We have. And let us tell you, these types of viewing experiences have made us very reluctant to ever go near a toilet again. You might say they’ve scarred us irreversibly.
A word of warning. If you’d like to go on having a normal relationship with the toilet in your house, maybe give these videos a swerve. This collection right here is truly the stuff of nightmares.