Bike theft unfortunately seems to be a problem that will never go away. There is always a barrage of great ideas for how to solve it – the likes of the unsteal-able bike and other anti-theft gadgets, but for the everyday cyclist with a beloved bike and a budget to take care of it, the danger is always there.
Of course, when you do get your bike stolen, it’s the worst thing in the world. You write angry letters and forsake the world for the injustice it allowed. For this reason, it can often be entertaining to see a bike thief get caught. It restores a sense of balance to the world, because it reminds you that actually, it doesn’t always go to plan for the bad guys.
On that note, let us introduce to you – this guy! Possibly one of the most persistent, and persistently hilarious, bike thieves in the world. It’s unclear whether he actually got caught at the end of this video, but he certainly made an absolute shambles out of the lengthy period spent trying to steal this bike.