It’s being called #Snowmageddon2015, and even if you live under a rock you’ve probably heard that the United States is heading towards the day after tomorrow.
Yes, the current hollywood film turned real life documentary has seen record breaking levels of snow across much of the Northeastern United States.
So one entrepreneuring man stuck in 70 inches of snow, has decided to sell and export fresh powder out of the city!

What started as a simply bottle filled with snow (how did it not arrive as a shitty plastic bottle with an inch of water in it) has now turned into a product that is exported in large boxes, cooled by dry ice and kept in 1.5inch thick styrofoam to make sure it doesn’t melt.

So now, you can have snow anywhere you want it. Err, assuming you live within the US, and you’re happy to fork out the $189 (£123), you too can have a “blizzard in a box”.
The price seems a little steep, but included in the package is a “before” photo of your snow. And lets be honest, this is a supply and demand kind of thing.

Still we’re sure there’s a lot of mischief that you can achieve with a 14lbs box of snow. We wonder how much it would cost to cover a mountain in 3 foot of fresh powder? After an hour with the calculator, we’ve worked out that, including international shipping, it’d be… err… shit loads.
So, who exactly is buying this instant pow? Apparently this news room did, and it looks as if there is only one winner here, and it isn’t the news team.
For all if it’s flaws – and let’s be honest, there are many – the idea of shipping your own boxes of white stuff to anywhere you need them is rad!
Never again in a snowless UK would you have to stare at that perfect urban snowboard spot and just dream. Or you could have a snowball fight during your summer wedding pictures.
Hell, you could even satisfy the wants of that annoying youth in your life that DOESN’T FUCKING STOP singing “Do you wanna build a snowman…”
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