Ski season accommodation isn’t exactly known for being well-equipped in the kitchen department.
If you’re living in a shared flat with a bunch of other seasonaires, we can pretty much guarantee your hob will look (like the photo above) – with two settings: scalding and cold. If you’re lucky you might have an oven, but chances are you’ll have a shit hob – or a hot plate – and maybe a microwave.
If you’re living in a shared flat, chances are you’ll have a shit hob, just like this one
It doesn’t mean you will have to eat beans on toast four times a week. There are plenty of super simple, cheap meals than you can make even on the world’s shittest hob.
These are tried-and-tested recipes from seasonaire life. They taste a lot better than brie baguettes. Again.
N.B. Meat can be expensive, so we’ve left it out of most the recipes, but feel free to substitute it in.