Words by Ben Mondy
Have you seen Kelly Slater’s man-made wave? Does a bear shit with one eye closed? Does Darth Vader have asthma? Of course you have. Kelly’s perfect wave was cyber-injected, not by coincidence I’d theorise, into the surfing world’s eyeballs the day after Adriano’s de Souza World Title win at Pipeline. The Brazilian’s already weak World Title narrative (overcomes lack of style through sheer hard work…) was blown apart at the seams by an oily, green-brown piece of engineered wave perfection.
It was a great reveal, and the following vacuum of information further heightened the hype and the queries. Where is it? When will it be open to the public? How does it work? How much will it cost? How do I get one? These were just some of the questions which may, or may not, be answered sometime in the future. Despite the queries there was however universal agreement that, as Kelly said, “This is the best manmade wave ever made, without doubt.”