Just when you thought your man-crush on skateboarding legend Tony Hawk couldn’t get any more intense, he goes and pulls a backflip on a BMX. I just…I mean…this guy…words fail me.
What an absolute legend.
The Birdman, as he’s affectionately known, posted the video to his Instagram account from Woodward Tahoe and, as you’d expect, his followers lapped it up like the Hawk-loving animals that they are.
“What will Tony Hawk do next?”
If you’d like to revel in the warm glow of this majestic skateboarding-to-BMX crossover, check out the clip below. We don’t want to put any unwanted pressure on Mat Hoffman, but we fully expect him to respond with an equally difficult skateboarding trick in the next seven days.
We’re not going to dwell on the fact that Hawk lands it in a foam pit, we’re not going to be dicks about it. This is a cool-looking backflip, whichever way you spin it, and what it does merely confirms something we already knew; Tony Hawk, can do no wrong.
Following on from this, I guess the big question on everyone’s lips now is “What will Tony Hawk do next?” We’re not very good at making predictions, but we’ll hazard a guess and say that it will involve a wing-suit, a narrow canyon, a jar of maple syrup, a pair of ski blades, a stack of Post-It Notes, and an umbrella.
Whatever he does next, I think it’s safe to say (and let’s face it, this was made safe about 16 years ago when he nailed the 900°) that Tony Hawk’s place in the pantheon of all-time greats is well and truly locked down.
Seriously, he could spend the rest of his days dicking around on some rollerblades, and we’d still think he was one of the ‘bestest’ people to ever roam the planet. To relive the ecstasy of that first 900°, in 1999, see below.
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