In BMX there are plenty of tricks which seem tough and there are tricks that might fill you with dread when you even think about trying them.
But then there are the tricks which appear outright impossible. You know the ones that seem to have been cooked up in some weird lab with the help of a deranged monkey butler and just the right amount of lightning.
“These tricks have been cooked up in some weird lab with a deranged monkey butler and just the right amount of lightning.”
These are the sort of moves that make you do an instant double take, rub your eyes and hit replay as you can feel history crystallising in front of your face.
If a rider lands one they become an instant hero with tidal waves of adoring fans rushing to touch whichever part of them they can reach – while they’re trying to figure out if all their parts are still attached!
Tricks like this deserve your time and attention so sit back and stare in disbelief at these 5 Impossible BMX Tricks.