A Look Into Bear Grylls SAS Career
There can be no denying that the surge of interest in adventure sports and survival techniques over the last decade has had an enormously positive impact on the public at large. Previously sofa-bound young men, who would sooner reach for the TV remote or games console controller than pull on a pair of running shoes, have flung themselves into adventure events and extreme cross-country challenges with gusto – shrinking their waistlines and lowering their collective blood pressure in the process.
The ‘Real Deal’?
But what of the celebrities who are spearheading all this? Is everything as it seems, or are these ultra-fit, ruggedly handsome and engagingly charismatic characters just too telegenic to be the real deal? Old Etonian Bear Grylls has come under particular scrutiny. The public outcry over allegations that he spent some of his time during the production of his Born Survivor series staying in a nearby hotel (and eating blueberry pancakes) led to him getting flack of a decidedly non-military variety.