Politics. Bloody politics. Now, you probably come to an action sports and adventure website like Mpora to get away from politics? EU Referendumdeedumdumdum, Donald Trumpet-head, David Hameron, Nigel Garage, Boris Johnson & Johnson Talcum Powder, Hillary Clint Eastwood; politics. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, can somebody just wake us up when the politics are finally over?
But, hang on a second. What’s this? Something vaguely related to politics? Politics?! On Mpora?! Well, yes…sort of. The right-wing extremists known as Britain First claim to be a legitimate political party but in reality, of course, they’re anything but. Their hilariously crap results at London’s Mayoral Elections, when the party got about 1% of the vote, demonstrated how much of a joke they are (even though they’d like to tell you otherwise).
To make matters worse for Britain First, just when they thought people had stopped laughing at them about the London Mayoral Elections, internet commentators have started rinsing them online for their pathetic attempt at a camping trip which they posted images of on Facebook.