Some people like camping and some people, well, they really, really, like camping. This latter group of people will be out in a tent this winter come rain or shine, come sun or snow, come hurricane-force breeze or car-lifting gale. They’re the wild camping diehards, the ultras, the ones who if sleeping out in nature were a football team would follow it to obscure Europa League games in places like Minsk.
“They’re the wild camping diehards”
To celebrate the planet’s winter camping heroes (their stubborn refusal to ever sleep in their own bed is salute-worthy), and to hopefully inspire you to join their ranks, we’ve curated this collection of very good tents in snow photographs. From camping in Antarctica to camping in Canada, via camping in Nepal and camping in India, there’s a real mix of epic spots here.
Whether you’re planning to keep it UK-based in 2021 or, lockdown and mass vaccine permitting, head out on some international missions be sure to make sure you’ve got the appropriate gear and clothing before departing.
If your winter camping is part of a ski touring excursion, for example, make sure you’ve browsed our best ski jackets and best ski pants lists beforehand (shameless plug alert). This best backpacking tents list over on on Outdoors Magic is also well worth a look.

Nar, Nepal

Uttarakhand, India