The only way this cliff diving video could be more of a “cliff diving fail,” is if it featured Cristiano Ronaldo blatantly feigning a dive over the outstretched left leg of Cliff Richard while a scratched up copy of Summer Holiday played quietly on a rusty gramophone.
It’s genuinely hard to see how this could have gone much worse for the cliff diver than it did. I mean he could have died and/or blown up an orphanage, but placing that to one side it’s pretty much the perfect visual definition of a “total failure.”
The trooper in this video, who spectacularly messes up a cliff dive of roughly sixty feet, ended up going to a nearby hospital where it was discovered that he had bruised his lung and liver, and torn an abdominal ligament.
If you’re thinking of attempting something similar this summer, watch this video and learn your lessons. Back flipping looks great when you pull it off but when you mess it up, like this guy did, it can hurt…a lot.
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