Calisthenics originated in Ancient Greece and translates from Kálos, which means beauty and sthénos, meaning strength. And while it might sound all posh and fancy, even if you don’t know what it is, you’ve definitely tried it.
Calisthenics is bodyweight training. It involves using your own body mass as resistance to get stronger and leaner
Calisthenics is bodyweight training. It involves using your own body mass as resistance to get stronger and leaner – so press ups, pull ups, dips, squats and crunches. We’ve all been practicing the basics of this training principle since we were young and most exercise programmes will contain some elements of calisthenics.
According to Jeff Cowan of the Bodyweight Training Arena, calisthenics offers a full-body workout that’s suitable for all. It can aid with fat burning and recovery from injury, and improve posture and general wellbeing.
Best of all, it requires little or no equipment, so you can do it pretty much anywhere. For free! Try this 20-minute bodyweight circuit for beginners or intermediates to get you started.