
Food & Nutrition

Solving The Fat Conundrum: Just Which Fats Are Ok And Which Aren’t?

We delve into the world of nutritional fats to shed some light on the good, the bad and the downright must avoid

Fat tends to get its fair share of bad press in the nutritional stakes, and in actual fact it’s quite unfair. A fatty diet is linked to colon and prostate cancers –  major killers of the male of the species – with heart disease up there as common killer of males and females too.

A fatty diet is linked to colon and prostate cancers as well as heart disease

It’s these sorts of stats that give fats a bad rap, alongside a dollop of misinformation and a glug of assumption, many don’t realise that consuming fat can be a good thing (yes, really!)

Well. in moderation. The average Brit consumes close to 35% of their daily calories from fat, which is too much according to the Health Education Authority, who recommend an intake of no more than 30% of ones daily calories from fat (these figures differ slightly for men and women).

The average Brit consumes close to 35% of their daily calories from fat

What often comes as a surprise for people is that there are a lot of different types of fat, and some of them are so good for you that they’re known as ‘essential fats’. So before you go nutritional fat shaming – learn which are good and bad and where they can be found.

Click right for info on the following 5 types of fat:

1. Saturated fats 

2. Monounsaturated fats 

3Trans fatty acids 

4. Polyunsaturated fats 

5. Essential fatty acids

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