White water rafting videos make for very entertaining watching. They let you see all the thrills and spills of racing through churning white water without the risk of falling into it.
White water rafting videos are also great for people that actually want to go white water rafting too. If bouncing down a river from rock to rock like a giant floating pinball is your kind of thing, then you can check out the utter insanity of this sport from the comfort and safety of your sofa and hopefully change your mind. If after all this white water rafting videos still don’t convince you to try another activity and you do give rafting a go, then you’ll also have something entertaining to watch while you’re lying in traction recovering from your trip.

Seriously though, despite the seeming lack of control, rafting does look like great fun. Rocketing down a set of rapids, just on the edge of control and praying that you don’t hit anything too serious looks like one amazing rush. Top white water rafting videos like the ones below give you a real window into that thrilling ride, often with hilarious and jaw dropping results.