If you love football, you’ll have no doubt played a match or two on at least one edition of the FIFA video game franchise. Heck, even if you hate football with the fire and the fury of 2,000 exploding suns we’d still wager our favourite hat that you’ve played at least one game of FIFA in your time. It’s a rite of passage, especially for men of a certain age.
But, what about the skiers, the snowboarders, and the people with a passion for BASE jumping and wingsuit flying? What game are they supposed to play while they’re nine beers down on a lads night, splattered with curry stains, and looking for something to distract them before sleep consumes them? Seriously, what game are they supposed to play? Sure, they could play FIFA. Yeah, that’d be fine. But that wouldn’t put them in touch with the action sport they love, would it? No. It would not. No. It. Would. Not.