Calm down everyone. Nobody has been going around scalping skinhead Millwall fans (as far as we know). That odd-looking thing at the top of this post is a helmet, and it might just save your life.
Jyo John Mullor, a graphic designer by trade, is the man behind these crazy helmets. The designs haven’t actually moved into the production stage yet, but Mullor has his fingers crossed that the concept will pick up some momentum and become a proper thing in the not-too distant future.

Personally, we really like this idea. We like the idea of having one-customised to look exactly like our head, with hair implants and everything. People would be like “Dude, you should really wear a helmet. Off-piste skiing after seventeen beers can be really, really dangerous.” To that we’d just shrug our shoulders, tap our helmet-head, and be like “Chill your beans brozo! I’m already wearing one.”
Imagine the look on their face. Imagine…

With people often choosing to not wear a helmet for style reasons, this ingenious idea might just be the solution to those complaints. Here’s a piece of protective headgear that, from a distance at least, doesn’t even look like protective headgear.
What are your thoughts on this? Would you, yes you, ever wear a helmet that had been made to look like your head? Or is this just one of those stupid ideas that looks like a poorly-timed April Fools joke?

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