Photo: beautyeditor.ca
Photo: imgism.com
Photo: johocy.com
Photo: addfunny.com
Photo: theblaze.com
Photo: mandatory.com
Photo: MTV
Photo: mandatory.com
Photo: mirror.co.uk
Photo: pinstopin.com
Photo: pinterest
Photo: nadlanu.com
Photo: smosh.com
Photo: ebaumsworld.com
Photo: redbuzz.fr
Photo: buzger.com
Photo: thetango.net
Photo: beautyeditor.ca
Photo: dumpaday.com
Photo: marilynmonbro.com
Photo: theysmell.com
Photo: galleryhip.com
Photo: diply.com
Photo: badtans
We’ve all been there. You’re out in the garden having a quick snooze and before you can look round you’re redder than a pissed lobster’s nose.
For Brits getting sunburned is practically a national sport and with one of the hottest summers on record here we’re sure to see some cracking new examples of how to toast your skin this year.
For anyone into action sports or adventure travel sunburn might seem like a trivial matter compared to broken limbs or falling off a cliff but it can do some pretty serious damage at the same time…. and make you look like a right muppet.