Spartan Race are best known for their obstacle races that range between 5km and 20km in length around the UK.
The idea is that you progress your way up the ladder of events, achieving more and more as you go.
However, at the very top of that Spartan ladder is where it all gets a little crazy, with their ‘Death Race’ where contestants are cheerily warned “You Might Die!”.
“Racers may spend hours chopping wood, slicing onions or even translating Ancient Greek!”
The event lasts somewhere between 48 and 72 hours but the participants have no idea when it will start and when it will end. They are simply told to arrive at a particular place with a (seemingly random) kit list.
They then face a relentless onslaught of grueling mental and physical challenges that are unique to every race. They might spend two hours chopping wood, carrying huge rocks, slicing onions, crawling through nettles or even translating Ancient Greek.
Participants are expected to fail and very few have ever made it to the end.
Ready to “die”? Find out how here.