Imagine, you’re 90 years old and you’ve just had your legs bitten off by a load of rats. You’d be pretty pissed off, that’s for sure. In fact, in your darkest moments, we reckon you might even question whether life itself was still worth living. God forbid, if you do ever find yourself in such a situation perhaps you can take a leaf out of Mrs T’s book.
Mrs T is a tortoise, you see; a 90 year old tortoise from Pembroke, West Wales. Her front legs were bitten off to the elbow, while she was hibernating, by a pack of rats.
Despite the vets best efforts, nothing could be done to save her limbs, which were presumably being digested by some horrible rat-bastards. Faced with a slim chance of survival, and a life of total immobility after that, Mrs T was almost put down.
Unable to spend anymore at the vets, after racking up a £1000 bill, Jude Ryder, Mrs T’s owner, had a brainwave. She asked her son, who had a major in mechanical engineering, to get the old tortoise up and running again. And, of course, when we say “running” what we actually mean is “extremely slow ambling.”
Not wanting to waste a moment, Dale Ryder quickly set about outfitting Mrs T with some model aircraft wheels. The wheels, in question, are attached to the tortoise using several dabs of superglue.
“It was like fitting her with a turbo charger,” said Jude Ryder (who presumably has never seen a turbo charger in action). She added that Mrs T, “…uses her back legs to push herself along. She seems quite happy, but it’s difficult to tell with a tortoise.”
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