When people argue that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” we’ve always comeback at them with “yeah, but people kill people…with guns…so your point is null and void.” However, after watching this video of some Americans playing billiards (aka pool) – your dad’s second favourite thing to do in a pub behind drinking heavily – with guns instead of pool cues…well we think we’ve finally sort of worked out what the problem is. It’s stupidity. Stupid guns. Stupid people. Stupid world. Stupidity.
The Demolition Ranch, who uploaded the video to YouTube, clearly think playing pool with pool cues is for wimps. They think it needs livening up. They think it needs guns. Now, I’ll admit pool isn’t exactly the liveliest of pastimes. It’s a mildly entertaining time filler rather than an edge of your seat, pulse-pounding, blockbuster. But, I mean, guns. Really?! Guns for crying out loud?! There is literally no need to combine guns and pool. No need whatsoever. Here endeth the lesson.