“Pour me another one,” you say to the barman (the barman is Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web and godfather of the modern day internet).
“I think you’ve had enough, mate,” Tim says, “I think you’ve had enough internet for today.”
You tell him again, this time through gritted teeth, to pour you another one.
He reluctantly obliges.
“Here,” he says, “Here’s a video of a grenade blowing up a safe from the inside.”
“Thank you,” you say, “Thank you for another ice cool glass of internet.”

Tim doesn’t say anything, and goes back to serving another customer. At night, in his quiet moments of reflection, he questions whether the World Wide Web has really turned out the way he thought it would. He’d intended to bring the world together, unify the world with a collective pool of information. Instead, well, there’s videos of tanks driving over road bikes and people putting hand grenades inside safes just to see what’ll happen. It’s not exactly the progression of human evolution he’d pictured.
“Don’t beat yourself up, Tim,” he says to himself in the mirror, “This isn’t your fault.”
Anyway, here for your viewing pleasure is a video of a grenade blowing up a safe from the inside in a big, open, expanse of the outdoors (just incase you were questioning what this video has to do with Mpora’s usual remit). It popped up on our recommended YouTube videos which, in fairness, probably says more about the author of this piece than YouTube. If you’re curious to see how this explosion plays out, give the footage a look-see. If you couldn’t care less, you’ve done well to make it this far down the page.
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