With the much-hyped boxing match between Pacquiao and Mayweather just days away, it’s easy to let other fights slip by unnoticed. You know, like barroom brawls between angry football fans, the supermarket clash where two mums wrestle over the last box of Coco Pops, and men fending off angry leopards with wooden sticks.
Wait, sorry. What was that last one again?
This video dropped on us this morning, and we have to say it’s the best video of a man fighting off a leopard with a wooden stick…that we’ve ever seen. There’s a bit, in the slightly blurred footage, where the leopard knocks the man down on the ground. At this point, in the clip, our thought process went something like this: “Shit son. That dude with the stick is one seriously dead dude…with a stick.”

But, wiedling his low-budget light-sabre (it’s a stick, remember), the man refuses to take a grizzly, leopard-induced, death lying down. You can pretty much pinpoint the exact moment where the leopard hesitates, and realises that it’s no match for a man with a stick.
Fleeing the scene like a leopard that’s just been hit repeatedly in the face with a stick, the spotted animal runs straight past a red bicycle. Disappointingly, for those of us in the sensationalist headline business, the leopard decides against hopping on the bike and pedalling away from the stickman on a two-wheeler.
“…the man refuses to take a grizzly, leopard-induced, death lying down.”
“Man Fights Off Leopard With Stick. Leopard Escapes On A Stolen Red Bicycle” would have been, easily, the most interesting header of the year. As things stand, we’re left with a fairly entertaining video of a man fighting off a leopard with a stick in the Indore region of India.
There’s some stuff at the end of the clip, involving a tree, but we can’t really make out what’s happening. If you can work it out, please do get in touch.
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