Here at Mpora towers we love sharks. There’s something primeval about the human fear of these big fishes that means it’s hard not to watch them.
As anyone who spends any time in the water, as a surfer, kite-surfer, scuba diver or just a swimmer will know, they’re never far from your mind.
Of course the mainstream media only usually writes about these complex, fascinating creatures if they’ve attacked or maimed someone.
Sharks have finally got a celebrity angle to their story. Not only that, an A-list celebrity angle in a skimpy swimsuit.
But this morning we woke up to find everyone writing about sharks. Why? Because Rihanna had been swimming with some.
Yep, sharks have finally got a celebrity angle to their story. And not only that, an A-list celebrity angle in a skimpy swimsuit.
Admittedly it is fairly impressive to see her diving without a cage (although it’s not nearly as gnarly as what this dude did) but the main people we’re doffing our caps to here are the photo editors at Harper’s Bazaar, the magazine that staged the shoot.
Sharks + Controversial Celebrity + Skimpy Swimsuit? Yep, I think those guys just won the internet…
Gotta hand it to RiRi too though, that hashtag is kinda funny…
Should you want to, you can see more shots at the Harper’s Bazaar website and read the story in their latest issue.
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