GoPro videos: they can be epic or truly shit. What you’re looking for is the crème de la crème. The best athletes in the world taking on enormous feats, capturing those heart-in-your-mouth moments on camera.
“These videos will have you sweating and quaking in your seat”
Then there’s the guys that got lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it). These are the ones who’ve narrowly escaped death while coincidentally having their camera rolling.
We’ve selected 11 videos that will have you sweating and quaking in your seat. These are the scariest GoPro videos we’ve ever seen – from climbing the second tallest building in the world with no harness to tumbling to earth after falling backwards off a mountain.
Think we’ve missed one? Post it in the comments below.
1. Shanghai Tower Climb
Two Russians climb the world’s second tallest building, the Shanghai Tower in China. Skip to 1.22 when things get really sketchy. Worth watching to the end, the view is unbelievable.
2. Skiier Falls Off Cliff
You know that fear of accidentally tripping backwards and falling from a great height? That actually happened to this unfortunate skiier Stefan Agar from Austria who tumbled for 15 seconds after falling off a rocky cliff.
This could have ended so badly. “GoPro Cameras. They’ll survive longer than you,” as one commenter wrote beneath the video. Luckily, in this guy’s case, he got away scott free!
3. Close Call With A Great White Shark
Cave diving with great white sharks. I mean you’re asking for trouble, right? These guys certainly were. When the sharks breaks through the cage walls….. Holy. Shit. There’s a reason why this video has 19 MILLION views.
4. Climber Falls Tackling Garden Of Gods
Watching a guy lose his grip while climbing a vertical wall is enough to make your stomach drop. The fear in his voice. The desperate scrambling. Just lucky he wasn’t soloing.
5. Motorbike Robbery At Gun Point
You’ve probably seen the video of the guy having his mountain bike stolen in broad daylight. Well in Sao Paolo, things are a little bit more, errrr… insane.
Apparently the dude doing the shooting is an undercover cop, and according to LiveLeak the robber, Leonardo Escarante, survived the incident: “He was hit twice, one time in the abdomen and one in the leg, he is in good health condition.”
6. BASE Jumper Strikes Cliffside
Now this is truly painful viewing. A BASE jump goes seriously wrong when this guys whacks into the cliff wall over and over and over again. Appropriate choice of music we feel. And yes, thankfully he survives.
7. Crazy Brit Swings From Crane Hanging Over Southampton
James Kingston, you are a bloody nutter. Hanging by one hand from a crane over Southampton harbour? No harness, nothing? Rather you than me.
When asked why he went up there to die, he replied: “I didn’t go up there to die. I went up there to live.” Touché.
8. What It’s Like Inside A Sinking Ship
Scared of drowning? Look away now. If the Titanic had a GoPro stuck to it, it would have looked something like this. Albeit a slightly smaller version. It’s pretty terrifying when the ship gets sucked under the water into the abyss…
9. Wingsuit Pilot Attempts To Fly Through Narrow Canyon
Marshall Miller isn’t just a wingsuit pilot (a pretty rad pastime in itself) but he’s decided to fly through the narrowest gap we’ve ever seen. Hold your breath. He’s got to be awarded extra points for having a particularly fine moustache.
10. The Avalanche Cliff Jump On Skis
Can you out run an avalanche? Skiiers Matthias Giraud and Stefan Laude certainly try. It’s possibly one of the most famous GoPro videos ever shot. But it still never fails to impress.
11. Felix Baumgartner’s Space Jump
I’m sure you’ve seen the epic video of Baumgartner skydiving from the edge of space. But have you seen the GoPro footage?
You get to see exactly what he would have seen while tumbling 24 miles to earth in just over four minutes. Gnarly doesn’t even cover it. Skip to 3.20 when it all kicks off.
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