1. Survival Wisdom Courses
Survival training can help prepare you should the worst happen on an expedition. Photo: elitesurvivaltraining.com
Survival Wisdom's Bushcraft & Basics course teaches you many essential wilderness survival skills. Photo: survivalwisdom.com
Woodland Ways offer some of the UK's most popular survival training courses. Photo: woodlandways.com
Wilderness survival skills like fire lighting are an essential part of Elite Survival Training's courses. Photo: elitesurvivaltraining.com
Adventure 360 UK survival training offer courses that cover night navigation alongside other essential skills. Photo: Adventure360UK.com
Trueways Survival's instructors include John 'Lofty' Wiseman, author of the best-selling SAS survival guide. Photo: jungletraining.com
Ray Mears is one of the most recognisable names in survival training and his courses provide education and essential skills. Photo: Ray Mears Survival Courses
Building shelter is one of the essential bushcraft skills covered on many of Survival School's training courses. Photo: survivalschool.co.uk
Bear Grylls' Academy gives survival enthusiasts a chance to learn from the man himself. Photo: beargryllssurvivalacademy.com
Woodsmoke Bushcraft offer survival training expeditions to far-flung corners of the globe including Borneo, Namibia and Canada. Photo: woodsmokebushcraft.com
Roger Harrington, founder of Bison Bushcraft, sharpening a knife. Making your own is one of the survival skills Bison teach. Photo: bisonbushcraft.com
1. Survival Wisdom Courses
Formed by a group of experts that includes several former and serving army and RAF officers Survival Wisdom is one of the UK’s best respected provider of survival courses.
Two of their top team are involved in teaching the British military’s gruelling SERE (survival, evasion, resistance and extraction) courses, which train troops what to do if caught behind enemy lines.
“Two of the team are involved in training British troops what to do if caught behind enemy lines”
Based in Cornwall, Survival Wisdom offer a range of different courses of different lengths catering for all ability levels. There are more general ones, like their “Bushcraft & Basic Survival Skills” course, but the school also offers bespoke courses including specialised training for dealing with hostage situations and a course aimed at teaching gap year survival skills.
Find out more and book at: survivalwisdom.com