There are some things in this world that just don’t mix. Oil and water. Boris Johnson and Liverpudlians. Arsenal and Premier League success. However, right at the top of that list, written in red pen and double-underlined are taxi drivers and cyclists.
We’ve lost count of the amount of times we’ve seen the two volatile groups have a barney on the road, displaying for all to see the very pits of humanity. It can be hard to decide who’s in the right, and who’s in the wrong when two fully grown men (it’s always men, women are seemingly far to smart to get into this shit) are threatening to cave each others faces off at the top of their lungs.
However, however, an argument starts, it’s hard to feel much empathy for the taxi driver when he uses his car to smash the cyclists off his bike, down the the floor.
That’s exactly what happens in this, one of the ugliest and most disturbing videos we’ve seen for quite some time.
After the collision, pedestrians, cyclists and other motorist become embroiled. There’s a suggestion that cyclist was harassing the taxi driver prior o the video being recorded – or as one man who looks like Santa’s buff brother puts it’ “For two blocks you’ve been on his ass”. Quite.

Here at Mpora, we do try to be even handed with these things, especially given that, as here, we rarely have all the evidence in front of us to make a proper decision. However, surely there can be no provocation great enough to crash your car into another human being.