Copenhagen is quickly turning into one of the best – if not the best – road cycling city in the world.
Between 2012 and 2014, the bicycle modal share in the Danish capital, the amount of people arriving at work or education in the city by bike, blew up from 36 percent to 45. That’s an explosive rise that hasn’t been seen before anywhere in the world.

How did this happen? Well, for one thing, driving was made a whole lot of a hassle due to construction going on in the city, and meanwhile, the government have been ploughing money into cycling, with two new bridges opening in 2014 and a handful more on the way.
Cycle paths have been upgraded, bikes are beginning to take priority over cars in certain areas, and arguably most interestingly of all, the city have adopted certain innovative designs that have made cycling around that much more convenient.
From tilted bins to handy foot-stops, these designs would make us feel warm inside if they didn’t remind us how far British cycling still has to come.
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