

6 Stoopid Running Myths That Need To Die ASAP

MYTH #3: Long Runs Are The Key To Becoming A Better Runner

Clocking up endless miles, week in, week out, will obviously keep you pretty fit. But if you really want to upgrade your running skills, you need to look beyond super-long slogs.

As Jonny Jacobs advises, “If you want to become a better runner, you need to increase your cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance and running economy – and to do that, you need to incorporate interval training and strength training.”

Interval training involves short bursts of high-intensity activity followed by low-intensity recovery periods – in other words, you run as fast as you can, slow to a gentle jog while you catch your breath, then repeat. Fast slow fast slow, and so on.

Strength training, meanwhile, involves using weights or your own bodyweight to buff yourself up.

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