After we did ‘10 Reasons You Should Watch The BMX Movie Rad (Again)‘, we got a message from a fan of Thrashin’ – a 1986 skate movie – who wanted “more GIFs please”.
Well, never let it be said that we at Mpora don’t listen to the will of the people.
Like Rad, Thrashin’ is gloriously cheesy and bereft of any real plot. It’s essentially Romeo and Juliet meets Lords of Dogtown, but far less nuanced.
And it’s got Josh Brolin in it (yep, this guy), who went on to be an Oscar nominee.
You should probably watch this movie, if you haven’t already. It’s got a load of great skating scenes and plenty of cringeworthiness to boot. Let’s drop right in.
1. The Gang
Look at this lot, eh? They’re called The Ramp Locals and they’re just so damn likeable.
There’s a loveable oaf, a wisecracker, a younger kid in awe of his mates and, of course, Cory Webster.
He’s our hero and the one most likely to win the array of skate competitions going on in LA during the summer of ’86.
They build their own halfpipe, despite the fact they can barely use a hammer.
They turn their VW into a convertible and spray-paint it to make it look like the ultimate party wagon. What cool guys.
2. The Daggers
Ah, the rival skate-gang. We first spot these guys coming over the top of an LA hill, skating fast and looking pretty punk.
They even have a shit-hot hideout where they skate and jam…
… AND they live in this gaff that’s full of kids having a great time! If they weren’t clearly the bad guys, we would want to be in The Daggers.
Just don’t ask how they afford rent. We have no idea what age any of these characters are meant to be, and how they seemingly survive with no wages for the whole of the summer.
3. The Party
All of our new friends then proceed to a bar (are they 21? We are so lost).
There happens to be a band playing called… The Red Hot Chilli Peppers! Before they were even properly famous!
Kiedis looks a bit like a super young Iggy Pop.
The highlight of this gathering? A SKATEBOARD DANCEFLOOR, OBVIOUSLY.
4. The Girl… And The Awkward Sex Scene
Chrissy and Cory are meant to be: it’s clear from the way they look at each other for the first time.
Unfortunately, their romance involves betrayal. She is the sister of the leader of The Daggers. Risk-y.
But that won’t stop them GETTING IT ON in the world’s least erotic sex scene.
Now we’re not sure what age the audience of this movie is either. Is this not meant to be family cinema?
If you can fathom this film’s intended demographic, please send your answers on a stamped, addressed envelope.
5. The Skating Montages
There must be a skate montage every ten minutes in this movie.
The first involves Cory doing a sweet 5-0 like it’s nothing at all, impressing some swimsuit-clad LA babes in the process.
Then there’s a pool competition where some familiar faces are on show…
And Hawk’s not the only one.
Throughout the film, we’re also treated to appearances from Tony Alva, Christian Hosoi and Steve Caballero. Another drinking game idea!
The Hollywood Walk Of Fame montage is also frickin’ glorious. Shame the stunt-doubles wigs aren’t a strong as their tricks.
6. The Challenge
After Cory and Chrissy have had their sexy-time, Hook (head of The Daggers) challenges our hero to a skate duel (more on that to come).
He says “You be there,” before an incongruous cut and the youngest member of The Ramp Locals gives his reply…
7. The Duel
To be fair to Thrashin’, it manages to squeeze so many types of skating into one film that we can forgive them for making one up completely.
Has anyone ever done this? Reminds us of Street Countdown or something.
8. The Finger
This scene is another highlight of Thrashin’, because until this point Chrissy is the lamest lady ever.
Then, when she’s hitchhiking back to LA (she went halfway back home because Cory broke her heart, you see), she flips off some asshole that won’t give her a ride.
Go Chrissy!
9. The Downhill
Check out that backslide man.
There are a few hundred racers at the start of the ‘LA Massacre’ downhill race, and gradually they all bail until only Cory and Hook are left in the running.
And Cory pulls of some amazing stuff, despite the fact he’s got a broken arm. What a pro.
10. The Finish Line
The GIF above shows a police speed camera measuring Cory’s speed at 63mph.
The perfect speed at which to take a finish-line jump, land it, and not die, of course.
Bonus Reason: Great Soundtrack
It’s an Eighties movie. The fact it’s got a great soundtrack is kind of a given.