If you haven’t already heard us bleating about this then you must be doing pretty well to avoid us, but we don’t know why! This is one hell of a chance for you guys to make your park better for everyone who rides it and anyone that will ride it in the future.
Wondering what the deal is? Ok, here goes –
“Burn Energy have partnered with Kingpin magazine to give you the opportunity to sort out your local European skate spot. SAVE OUR SPOT will be coming to Europe this summer to repair those nasty cracks, fix that over-worked ledge, maybe even build you something new to shred. Simply tell us about the spot you’d like us to fix and you might just be lucky enough to have our crew roll through your town this summer.
In order to enter simply upload an image and tell us why we should help you. We are looking for a either a park or a spot that has seen better days that will benefit your local skate community for years to come. Your entries will be judged by none other than Rune Glifberg, Ignacio Morata and the Kingpin crew, so make them good.
The last entries will be accepted on the 1st May 2012.”
It’s all well and good me talking about how good an opportunity this is (and it is. Don’t make me tell you again!) but I’m sure there will be some people out there wondering if their skatepark is actually that bad that it would win. Well, here are some of the latest entries:

Is your park as shit as these? Even if it’s not you might still be in with a chance as all pictures are yet to be judged! Imagine, you could be THAT person that helps get something rebuilt for your park, or a new feature placed. All because you took a photo and told us about how shitty your park was. Sounds simple doesn’t it?
Head over to the Kingpin/Burn SOS page and enter now.