Main Photo (Above) By Eric Berger

What do you know about Whistler in Canada? I mean, you’re probably aware that it’s got quite a good reputation as a skiing and snowboarding destination right? But, apart from that, we imagine some of you might need a few pointers on the place before making it your specialist subject on Mastermind. Pointers like the ones we’re about serve up below.
Did you know, for example, that Whistler is home to a whopping 8,171 acres of skiable terrain? Skiable terrain, we hasten to add, that’s extremely varied and diverse. Or what about the fact that the two mountains here, Whistler and Blackcomb respectively, are attached by the Peak 2 Peak Gondola; a gondola that sets world records for both length and height?
It’s a bit like being back at school, isn’t it? A really fun and exciting school, where you get the chance to be seriously stoked on booking yourself an awesome ski trip to British Columbia. Anyway: class in session. Here’s a lesson in all things Whistler.
1) Secret Stashes
As the young whippersnapper at the start of this video says, “Some stashes are just too secret to share.” And while that might sound sinister, we presume he’s referring to that treasured buzz you can get when skiing or snowboarding in a private little place to call your own. Thankfully, because Whistler is such an unbelievably enormous ski area, even if you don’t know of a secret stash before visiting, we’re confident you’ll have found one by the end of your stay.