Meet Ian Matteoli, the nine year old snowboarder who’s got skills. Like, serious, video game level skills.
The internet is now awash with videos of increasingly younger kids, rolling around on skateboards, standing on surf boards, and occasionally kind of skiing well. And they’re great! These kinds are getting into action sport at an early age, and keeping the flame alight.

But Ian Matteoli is a whole other level. This isn’t a kid who’s dad is pushing him along rails. This little ripper has got some serious game.
He’s got rails locked down, dropping massive airs to back boardslides, and spins on and off like it ain’t shit. He’s also got kickers in the bag, landing big front 540s bolts.

Be honest, not only could you not do that when you were nine, you can’t do that shit now!
Remember the name. Ian Matteoli is a genuine talent, who could well have the whole snowboarding world at his feet before very long.
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