I don’t know about you but it’s been a while since I got stoked on a surf movie. Too much of a good thing maybe. Progression overload. Flogging the same old formula. And too few flicks ever being underpinned with a decent narrative, save Tierra de Patagones, Easkey’s Britton’s Into the Sea, Out in the Line Up and anything involving Kepa Acero.

So it’s no surprise that the surfing community is drooling like a grom that’s just seen Alana Blanchard at the US Open over the trailer for Forbidden Trim. A new, super 8, unashamedly 70s-channeling movie project directed by George Trimm.

From what we can tell there are masks, there are motorbikes, there’s a hell of a lot of jungle, some people shout about Vietnam, some other people point to maps and others speak of sending in surfers to distract the enemy. Who f**king knows what’s going on? But the mere of act of being intrigued by a surf movie feels like such a novelty we’re willing to go with it.

Adding to the hype is the fact the film isn’t finished yet and only will be if the Kickstarter total is realised by the end of next week. Tick tock.

Watch the trailer below and find out more about the story behind Forbidden Trim here.
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