There was a time, back in the 90s when everyone wanted a Munga Barry Nev surf board and the classic spray job that went with it. The red and white cross motif was briefly legendary, but he is much more than just a one off surfboard design.
Raised on the epic right barrels of the Goldie, Munga had a rep early for charging. He was picked up by Billabong and joined the top film maker of the time, Jack McCoy, on a series of movies, including Green Iguana. His sections on the 16mm epics were always some of the highlights, as he charged through impossible West Oz slabs.
He was also a world tour competitor from 1989 to 2000, whilst he never won it, he spent a lot of that time as the top Gold Coaster on tour and finished consistently in the top 15. Whenever the waves got solid, he was the man to watch and his success in Hawaii particularly was impressive.