The Search For Colder Climates Will Continue
Photo: Alex Laurel
Photo: Outside Online
Photos: ESPN/
Photo: Stock
Photo: ASP
Photo: Tim Nunn
Photo: ASP
Photo: Stock
The Search For Colder Climates Will Continue
At least four out of every five new waves discovered in 2015 will be in the far northern latitudes.
Only a small fraction of Alaska, Iceland, Scandinavia and Canada have been explored. These massive chunks of ocean-bound landmasses have unlimited potential.
Crucially more and more of this potential is being unlocked by a dedicated crew of surf explorers who are armed with better wetsuit technology, advanced GPS and a desire to surf quality waves on their own.
Now that might mean you can’t open a surfing magazine without seeing a surfer backdropped by a bloody iceberg, but the cold water revolution means that the surfing world is getting bigger.
In fact it is operating in an inverse proportion to the surfer’s testicles who are expanding it.