Hardly a week goes by at Mpora without one of the team stumbling across a video of a Russian doing something crazy. That sounds like an exaggeration but, seriously, Russians have turned doing mad shit for YouTube into a high-risk art form. If there was an Olympics for doing insane stuff, and then uploading videos of said insane stuff to the internet, Russians would win all the gold medals on offer and what’s more they’d do it without state-sponsored doping.
We don’t know what they’re putting in the water over there, presumably substances banned by the IOC am-I-right?!, but it’s definitely brought about an epidemic in Russians doing “off the wall” shenanigans on film. Remember that dude who shot his bombproof helmet wearing son directly in the face, for example? Or what about that chap who built a death swing and jumped off a roof? And what about Vladimir Putin? WHAT ABOUT VLADIMIR PUTIN?! Dang, Russia. You’re un poco loco.