Want a free holiday? How does an all-inclusive trip to Mallorca sound? Chilling out, with as much to eat and drink as you want on the sunny balearic island? Sounds ideal, right? Where do we sign up?
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To be honest, this is where it gets trickier. All you need to do is have the exact same name as somebody that’s already booked on said trip, but has had to cancel at the last minute, and then be invited by the people the original person was going to go away with who, to you are complete strangers, and accept their highly suspicious invitation to go away.
Oh yeah. That old chestnut. Amazed we didn’t think of it earlier.
Although it sounds improbably, it’s exactly what happened to Mancunian Joe McGrath. A group of friends from Bristol booked a holiday to Mallorca to celebrate their mate Nathan’s birthday, but then one of them, named Joe McGrath, dropped out.
“Would you consider coming on a holiday with a group of nine strangers?”
Rather than pay to cancel the ticket, they decided to be smart about it. They went onto Facebook, found another dude also called Joe McGrath – the one from Manchester – and invited him instead.