8. Karaoke Yoga
8. Karaoke Yoga
Co-devised in LA by yoga instructor Jennifer Pastiloff and DJ Gina Mooring, Karaoke Yoga has you crankin’ out pop classics while getting into poses, and is mostly definitely not suitable for uptight yoga purists who knit their own yoghurt.
“If you’re looking for a strict, alignment-based class, don’t come to this,” warns Pastiloff. “This is not one of those classes. This is about having the workout of your life, singing, dancing, feeling silly.”
‘Let It Be’ is the biggest tearjerker
If you fancy making the trip over to LA, New York or Chicago for one of Jen’s classes, expect to find yourself bellowing along to Adele, Journey, Michael Jackson and The Beatles (there’s no room for coolly obscure indie B-sides at Karaoke Yoga). “’Let It Be’ is the biggest tearjerker,” says Pastiloff. “Everyone always gets emotional with that one…”