Since a bunch of completely naked Athenians started the Olympics in 776 BC, running has always been a significant event in the world of sport. In fact, running itself is such a fundamental aspect of the Olympics that it’s even paid tribute to in the official Olympic motto: “Faster, Higher, Stronger” (translated from the Latin – “Citius, Altius, Fortius”).
Rio 2016 Olympics : Medal Contenders In The Men’s 10,000 Metres And 5,000 Metres Running Events
Like London 2012 before it, Rio 2016 will prove to be no exception on the running front. Sprint, middle-distance, steeple-chase, and long-distance; think of a running event, and you can bet your running shoes that it’s happening at this summer’s Olympics. To get you right up to speed with all-things running at the Olympics, we’ve put together this essential guide of what the events are and the history behind them.