Do you ever get the feeling that the most wondrous things in the world are hidden just out of sight? That the world is, for want of a better metaphor, a never-ending game of ‘Pass the Parcel’ in which increasingly spectacular mysteries are layered within themselves?
Normally, we wouldn’t dwell on matters of philosophy such as this. However, these incredible split-surface photographs taken by one Matty Smith have changed all that.
Honestly, if these were any more eye-opening than they already are we’d be writing this post from a surgeon’s table while waiting to have our eyelids surgically reattached.

Matty Smith, not to be mistaken with The Matt Smith Formerly Known As Doctor Who, has taken photographs that perfectly encapsulate the difference between life above and life below. With one click of the camera, he’s revealed the startling contrasts between two environments that are situated next to each other but that might as well as be on entirely different planets.
“…if these were any more eye-opening…we’d be writing this post from a surgeon’s table while waiting to have our eyelids surgically reattached.”
“For me one of the most wondrous parts of any dive is the moment that the water engulfs my mask as my head slips below the surface. I think it’s the suspense of the unknown of what lies beneath, the transitional part of moving from one element to the next that feels so magical,” Smith told Bored Panda.
If you’d like to see some more of Smith’s breathtaking photographs, scroll down the page and feast your eyes upon them. Alternatively, you could visit the Matty Smith website and look at them there instead.

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